Africa region

Africa region

Across the Africa region, access to abortion is often severely restricted, and 62% of the nearly 47,000 people who die annually from unsafe abortion live in Africa. Unmet need for contraception (that is, the proportion of women who want to space births, or who do not want any more children but are not currently using a contraceptive method) is highest in the Afric regiona, and across the region only 32% of married women use a modern contraceptive method, compared to 68% in the Latin America and Caribbean region and 63% in more developed countries. In addition, the vast majority of the world’s HIV-infected people live in Africa, and women comprise over 58% of adults living with HIV in the region.

Ibis’s work in the Africa region encompasses a wide range of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) issues, including abortion, contraception, and HIV/AIDS. We conduct clinical, operations, and social science research to identify and evaluate bold, new ways to improve access to SRH services and the quality of care. We also study the best ways to integrate HIV and comprehensive SRH services in order to meet the needs of all people, whether HIV positive or negative. 

We work closely with local colleagues to use our research to advocate for improved reproductive health policies and service delivery guidelines that reflect the best evidence, ensuring people reap the benefits of global research investments.

Bold service-delivery & technology innovations

Bold service-delivery & technology innovations

Ibis seeks to expand access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and services through a range of integrated strategies that center the lived experiences of individuals, highlight the importance of relevant and affordable strategies, and support people's autonomy and right to safety and high-quality services. 

Comprehensive SRH info & services

Comprehensive SRH info & services

Ibis seeks to transform access to abortion and contraception by working with service delivery and advocacy partners to identify, evaluate, and disseminate rigorous evidence about the impact of bold service delivery and technology innovations on access, quality, and affordability of abortion and contraception care. We aim to make abortion and contraception information and care easier to access, and look for ways for people to more directly access the information, products, and services they need.